Sr No. | Module Name | Topics |
1 | Introduction to Java | Overview of Java, Setting up Java environment, IDEs |
2 | Basic Syntax | Java syntax, Structure of a Java program, Comments |
3 | Variables and Data Types | Declaring variables, Primitive data types, Type casting |
4 | Control Structures | If-else, Switch case, Looping structures (for, while, do-while) |
5 | Methods and Functions | Defining methods, Method arguments, Return types, Method overloading |
6 | Arrays in Java | Creating arrays, Accessing array elements, Multidimensional arrays |
7 | Object-Oriented Programming Concepts | Classes, Objects, Constructors, Methods, Inheritance |
8 | Exception Handling | Try-catch blocks, Throwing exceptions, Custom exceptions |
9 | String Handling | String class, String methods, StringBuffer, StringBuilder |
10 | File Handling | Reading and writing files, File streams, BufferedReader, FileWriter |
11 | Collections Framework | Lists, Sets, Maps, Iterators |
12 | Introduction to Java 8 Features | Lambdas, Streams, Functional interfaces |
13 | Multithreading in Java | Creating threads, Synchronization, Thread lifecycle |
14 | Java GUI Programming | Swing, AWT, Creating simple GUI applications |
15 | Introduction to Java Databases | Connecting to a database, JDBC, CRUD operations |
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