Web Development Course Modules

Sr No. Module Name Topics
1 Introduction to Web Development Overview of Web Development, Frontend and Backend, Tools and IDEs
2 HTML Basics HTML structure, Elements, Tags, Forms, Attributes
3 CSS Basics Styling with CSS, CSS selectors, Colors, Layouts, Positioning
4 Advanced CSS Flexbox, Grid, Animations, Responsive Design, Media Queries
5 JavaScript Basics Variables, Functions, Loops, Conditionals, DOM Manipulation
6 JavaScript Advanced Asynchronous JS, Promises, Fetch API, ES6+ Features
7 Bootstrap Framework Using Bootstrap for responsive design, Components, Grid system
8 Version Control with Git Setting up Git, Basic Git commands, GitHub for collaboration
9 Backend Development with Node.js Setting up Node.js environment, REST APIs, Express.js
10 Databases: MongoDB CRUD operations, MongoDB with Node.js, NoSQL database concepts
11 Web Security HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, Web security best practices, OWASP
12 Deploying Websites Deploying on Heroku, Netlify, AWS, Continuous Deployment
13 Introduction to Front-End Frameworks React, Vue.js, Angular overview, Choosing the right framework
14 Intro to Full-Stack Development Integrating frontend with backend, MERN stack overview
15 Building a Web Application Project setup, Structuring files, Connecting frontend and backend
16 Working with APIs Consuming APIs, RESTful APIs, Authentication with JWT
17 Web Performance Optimization Lazy loading, Caching strategies, Image optimization
18 Responsive Web Design Mobile-first design, Flexbox, Grid, Media Queries
19 Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Service Workers, Caching, Offline capabilities
20 SEO Basics SEO fundamentals, Keywords, Meta tags, Accessibility
21 Live Web Development Project Hands-on experience, Building a real-world web application

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